Valentine’s Day Phishing Attacks

It is time to remind your users that heartless con artists use social engineering tactics to trick people looking for love.  The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center warns every year that scammers use poetry, flowers, and other gifts to reel in victims, the entire time declaring their "undying love."   These callous criminals -- who also troll social media sites and chat rooms in search of...
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CEO Fraud and W-2 Phising

There was a recent outbreak in Orange City, IA where a scammer asked for important details of employees, claiming to be the CEO. Many people had their identities stolen because of it. Don't let this happen to you.   A Warning The IRS warned that phishers started this scam much earlier this year, attempting to extract W-2 data which can be used to file fraudulent tax refunds, duping the actual...
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Locked PDF Phishing Attack

Wednesday Jan 4th, the SANS Internet Storm Center warned about an active phishing campaign that has malicious PDF attachments in a new scam to steal email credentials. The SANS bulletin said that the email has the subject line “Assessment document” and the body contains a single PDF attachment that claims to be locked. A message reads: “PDF Secure File UNLOCK to Access File Content.” John...
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The Real Reason You’re Unproductive

Productivity can be ever elusive. Even if you kept your desk neat, stopped multitasking, and took regular breaks, it may still fall out of reach.  Ultimately, it isn't whether or not our working environment stays clean. Your environment does impact you. But, your emotional state and behaviors are the primary influencers. Are you afraid or excited? Nervous or downright stressed? The only thing...
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CryptoLocker Virus

A CryptoLocker—commonly referred to as a Crypto virus—is a virus that encrypts your data making it unreadable without a special key. So, what are your options when you have a Crypto virus?   PAY THE RANSOM Yes, I said ransom because it is ransom money. The “file-napper” (the person behind the CryptoLocker) holds your files hostage and won’t give you the key until you pay them for it. Most...
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